Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's all about timing

I waited too long to head  out into the garden to weed, and no sooner had I settled in with gardening stool and weeding fork when it began to rain. No gentle drizzle either -- massive, cold rain drops. Cats and I ran for the door. Let's hope tomorrow will be fair. In the meantime, let's consider some rainy Saturday indoor pursuits. Perhaps a cup of tea, some blueberry scones, and a good book--nothing like the classics, right? I could start baking Winning-Hearts-and-Minds Chocolate Cakes and freezing them for next month's wedding fete, but I'm not feeling that ambitious. Besides, I think I'm out of parchment paper to line the pan. Yes, that's it. Reading it is, then! I am about a quarter of the way through Colum McCann's wonderful Let the Great World Spin and am astounded at how beautiful and yet how exciting the writing is. It is not terribly common for me to find a piece of modern literary fiction that is so engaging that I can't wait to see what happens. Prize winners, particularly, are sometimes so terribly clever or "meaningful" that one can appreciate the writing without really enjoying it. McCann's National Book Award Winner is, however, a thumping good read. I think I'll dip back into it now.

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